All members of the Shenandoah Region PCA are encouraged to
contribute written articles, photographs, and/or
short videos for publication on the Shenandoah Region PCA website.
Other options include posting photos on the
Region Facebook
page or videos on
our YouTube
channel, which the web savvy can do by themselves.
Write up an interesting story you told your Porsche friends about a
car event you attended, report on a scenic driving route you
discovered, show us how you upgraded your car to make it faster for
autocrosses, review a new Porsche book you read,
teach us the lessons
you learned from instructing (or being instructed) at DEs, etc. Also
consider writing a regular column, such as Jeffrey
Elmore's Tech Tactics or
Harry Kennison's Vintage
Corner, which originally appeared as a series of articles in the
printed Heat
Exchanger and were carried over to the website.
Our guidelines are simple because a website is much
more flexible than a printed newsletter about article length, number
of color photos, etc. You don't need to do any web programming: just
email your article in plain text or Word with attached photos, scanned
images, or short videos in any common format (e.g., .jpg, .gif, .png,
.pdf, .MOV,...) to
the webmaster, who will handle
the technical details.
Here are a few good articles by our members to give you ideas:
NEWS reports on
TOURS & TRIPS describing scenic drives that
you can make by yourself at any time. Clear driving directions are a plus.
PHOTO GALLERY contributions of photos, even without
accompanying articles.
- COLUMNS like these: