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The 2008 RPM Driving Tour started and ended at the Faunce home, 6521 Westham Station Road, Richmond, VA. This rural drive takes about 1.5 hours and there are long stretches with no gas stations, so we included a "pit stop" at the BP station on Route 250 near Oilville (gas, food, and toilets available) in the middle. Alternatively, you could start at the "pit stop", follow the remaining directions to the bottom, then jump to the top of the directions, and continue until you are back at the "pit stop." Watch out for bicyclists, horseback riders, and joggers.

Starting from 6521 Westham Station Road, zero your odometer [mile 0.0] as you leave the driveway. Cross Westham Station Road onto Old Bridge Lane.

Bear right onto Highland Road at the "Y" [mile 0.1].

Turn left onto River Road (Route 650) at the STOP sign [mile 0.4].
Pass through the stoplights at Ridge Road [mile 0.8], N. Parham Road [mile 2.3], Mooreland Road [mile 3.1], and Gaskins Road [mile 4.0].

Cross Tuckahoe Creek [mile 4.9] and cross over Route 288 (not labeled) [mile 8.1].

Turn left onto Patterson Avenue (Route 6) at the STOP sign (The Richmond Country Club is across the road.) [mile 9.3]

Turn right onto Manakin Road (Route 621) after the Manakin-Sabot Fire Station [mile 10.3]. You are now entering horse country.

Turn left onto Miller's Lane (Route 644) [mile 14.5] and cross Dover Creek [mile 15.0].

Turn right onto Route 641 (Shallow Well Road) just after the stand of tall pine trees on your right [mile 17.0].

Pass the large farmhouse on your right [mile 18.7].

Turn left onto Genito Road (Route 641) [mile 19.0].

Turn right onto Cardwell Road (Route 670) at the STOP sign. [mile 20.6] There will be an old building on your right followed by a large field with a pond [mile 20.8].

Pass the Randolph School sign at Sheppard Town Road (Route 639) [mile 21.3].
Turn left onto Route 250 at the STOP sign [mile 22.9].
Turn right into the BP station just before the stoplight [mile 23.3]. This is the "pit stop."

Leave the BP station by turning left onto Route 250 [mile 23.3]
Turn right onto Cardwell Road (Route 670) [mile 23.7].

Turn right onto Sheppard Town Road (Route 639) [mile 25.2] and pass Randolph Elementary School on your right.

Bear left [mile 26.4] and continue on Sheppard Town Road (Route 639).

Turn left onto Maidens Road (Route 634) at the "T" intersection with a STOP sign [mile 30.4].
Pass the Robert E. Lee Boy Scout of America Camp on the left [mile 31.1].
Pass through the stoplight where Maidens Road becomes Route 522 [mile 32.3].
Cross the James River [mile 32.8].

Turn left onto Old River Trail (Route 617) [mile 34.2] and pass St. James Chapel (ca. 1882) on your right.

Bear right [mile 37.7].

Turn left onto Huguenot Trail Road (Route 711) [mile 38.2]. Enjoy the scenery.

Cross over Route 288 at the stoplight [mile 49.4]. Huguenot Trail Road will become Robious Road.

Turn left onto Old Gun Road (Route 673) at the stoplight [mile 53.9].

Bear right onto Old Gun Road / Cherokee Road at the "Y" intersection [mile 56.7].

Note Martin's Grant on your left [mile 58.1]; the RPM dinner will be served at the Martin's Grant clubhouse (photo).

Turn left onto Huguenot Road at the stoplight [mile 58.3].
Cross the James River [mile 62.0].

Turn left onto River Road (Route 650) at the stoplight [mile 62.8]; BB&T will be on your left.

Turn left onto Panorama Drive [mile 63.2].

Turn right onto Westham Station Road at the STOP sign [mile 63.5] and proceed to 6521 Westham Station Road [mile 63.9] on your left.

This tour was prepared by Sherry Westfall and Jim Condon.