Holiday Party, December 6, 2015 (NEWS article) | |||
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Michie Tavern | Retro Christmas decorations | The Goodie Store display |
Clint and Sherry set up registration | Joy Shuler cuts up name lists for the door-prize drawing | Janet Matthews and Kim Butcher assemble door prizes | Our host, Sam Morris |
Deane Parker wearing a festive bow tie | Claudia & Engelbert Muelhaupt | Jack & Heidi Adams | Mark Francis of OG Racing |
Jeff & Linda Sivers | Bill & Jill Sanders | Chris Beverage & Pamela Mayfield | Robin Wintzer |
Lisa & Cam Abernethy | Greg Glassner | Jason Robson of Flow Porsche | Charlie Wintzer |
Two barmaids | Lisa Newhall, Beverly McNeill, & Lisa Abernethy | Two Lindas: Sivers and Fraser |
Julie McLain |
Fried chicken, pulled pork BBQ, blackeyed peas, ... | Mary Pennella with Pennella and Francis children | Carey & Susan Lockhart | Mike & Ana Kilmer |
Jake Kilmer & Eric Huggins | President Clint Shuler | Sam Morris | Ginger & Jeffrey Elmore (fastest autocrosser) |
Rick Ebinger & Sherry Westfall (fastest lady) | Charlie Passut (fastest Cayman/Boxster) | Jonathan Newhall (autocrosser of the year) | These autocross awards were made by Erik Boody and Rick Ebinger |
Janet Matthews hiding behind the door prizes | Ben Francis draws a winning name |
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