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Holiday Party, December 7, 2014  (NEWS article)
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Period Christmas decorations at Michie Tavern Sam Morris The dining room

Gary Hagar and Vickie Coyner Genie Passut Carey Lockhart,
our treasurer

Cam Abernethy Howie Dunbrack Weldon Scrogham and
Manny Alban
Sherry Westfall and
Phyllis Scrogham

Sam Morris explains why Michie Tavern is famous: fried chicken Johnny Johnson
said grace
The Duntley family

Sue Noel and
Jerry McClanahan
New Prez Clint Shuler
with old Prez Sherry Westfall
New VP Phillip Noel New membership chair Hank Weil

PCA Prez Manny Alban Rick Ebinger and 914 engraving for Manny Manny & Sherry Greeting Cards showing Manny's "Wunderbread" 964 at VIR

Lovely assistant Greg
Glassner with Sherry
drawing door prizes
Eric Huggins won the Toyo Tire Rookie Driver of the Year award Mike Kilmer with
engraved autocross award
Sherry won the autocross
driver-of-the-year award

Clint Shuler, our new
Bill Sanders honoring
Sherry Westfall
Standing ovation and "thank you" gift for
retiring President Sherry Westfall

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