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Rescheduled Holiday Party, January 18, 2014  (NEWS article)
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Sam Morris setting up at Michie Tavern No Christmas decorations on January 18 Sherry Westfall with
Karla and Randy Bell
Susan and Carey Lockhart

Clint and Joyce Shuler Henry Haefele and
Karla Bell
Lisa and Jonathan Newhall Chauncey Hutter

Jake Kilmer Alex Sullivan Susan Roberts and
Henry Haefele
Lynne Taylor

Janie Hunter Keith Welty Erik Boody BJ Regi

Carlyn Graff Dan Graff Charlie Passut Genie Passut

Andy Turner Deane Parker Frank Keegan Setting up for dinner

Nathan Beck Sheri Grupp Bill Frazier Mark Doherty

June West, our new
Social Chair
Bunny Turner Mike and Ana Kilmer Johnny and Lisa Johnson, Deane Parker, and Dick Pitman

Gary and Janie Hunter Fastest Lady autocrosser Sherry Westfall John Schmidt, autocrosser of the year, and Rick Ebinger Sherry and Greg Glassner drawing names for door prizes

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