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2014 October 25 Fall Foliage Tour   (NEWS article)
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Phillip Noel, Sherry Westfall, and Sue Noel at the registration table Jeffrey Elmore braved the cold and came with his top down On the Blue Ridge Parkway Heading down the hill to Wintergreen

Arriving at Wintergreen Carole and Bob Duntley Bright red burning bushes View from the top of the ski slope

It's not just the cars, it's the food. Rick Ebinger leading the drivers meeting at Wintergreen Deane and Vani Parker, on the road again

Buildings along Route 56 heading west Approaching Crabtree Falls

Arriving at Rockbridge Vineyard The main building is an old barn The scenic front yard Originally a log cabin, then boarded, house on the property

Dave McFaddin's new Macan drew a lot of attention Bill Sanders drove Jill's Boxster New member Janet Matthews' Boxster Mark and Marty Doherty's cab

We started with a wine tasting, followed by a guided tour of the vineyards and winemaking. Some unharvested grapes

Austin Drewnowski
found a new friend
Clint Shuler organized
this successful tour
Rick Ebinger's house on Route 56; his green 914 is on the left The waterfall across the road from Rick's house

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