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Euroclassics Porsche Launch of the New 911, April 14, 2016  (NEWS article)
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The Euroclassics New 911 launch at Beecroft & Bull The parking lot was filled with Porsches, both classic and unique

Emmett Richardson's
new GT4
Emmett with Sherry Westfall and Maxine The new 991 GT3 RS has big front air intakes.

Mark Cooke and friends Randy Bell ready to photograph
the new 911
as it is uncovered.

Steve Sarfaty and Tim Ashbridge at play Herb checks out
the white 991.2 Cab
similar to his 997
"chick magnet",
and it works.

The engine grill is different and the 3 liter turbo
is hidden
Drinks and Elegant munchies were served, of course.

Carol and Frank DePew Prize drawing at
Beecroft & Bull
The two happy winners of
the Porsche Driving Experience in Atlanta

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