MAY 15, 2010 AUTOCROSS PHOTOS (NEWS article) | |||
Click on any small photo to enlarge it | |||
The Pillsbury Doughboys | Lineup for the course drivethrough | Sydney Scrogham riding with Jeffrey Elmore |
Vee Halen | Bob Duntley | Geoff Kilmer | Jim Condon |
Paul Sponseller | Randolph Kohr II | Eric Huggins | Stephen Garstang |
Rick Ebinger (FTD) | Rhonda Dunbrack | Sherry Westfall |
Sydney Scrogham: the next generation of Scroghams on the track | Jonathan Newhall |
Backwards Miata | and RX7 | Ooops! | Gary Krichbaum |
Jennifer Kimber, fastest lady | The Dirty Bunny |
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