Autocross Driving Clinic
Augusta Government Center,
2007 July 29
Everything happens very
quickly in an autocross—accelerate; turn left; accelerate; brake and make
a U-turn in the keyhole; accelerate in a straight; upshift; brake hard; turn
right; go through a slalom (right, left, right, left); accelerate; brake; turn
left; accelerate; turn left; brake through a narrow gate, go through a Chicago
box (left, right, left); accelerate; turn left; and accelerate through the
finish gate, all in less than a minute.
Beginners are so busy driving they have no time to think, so
autocrossing is difficult to learn by doing. A beginning pianist wouldn’t learn “Flight of the Bumblebee”
by trying to play it at tempo, but rather by practicing notes, scales, chords,
and other fundamentals of piano playing first. The autocross driving clinic at the Augusta government
center in Verona, led by Rick Ebinger and Eric Boody with help from Mike Moore
and Ray Shumin, was the autocrossing equivalent of a piano lesson. They broke autocrossing into its
fundamentals and let each beginner practice them one at a time.
Rick and Eric began with a
classroom on preparing yourself and your car for an autocrosss, on tire
traction, and on the limits of acceleration, braking, and turning. Then everyone did a course walk to
study the track surface and become familiar with the course, so it wouldn’t
become a bewildering “sea of cones” at speed. Finally the autocross students were divided into four
groups of six to practice four fundamentals: driving through a keyhole (enter a
narrow gate, drive around a cone, and exit through the gate), accelerating in a
long straight and braking hard at the end, running a slalom, and going through
a “Chicago box,” which is a slalom camouflaged by a C-shaped border of
cones. Doing each of these
exercises multiple times in succession greatly speeded up the learning
In the afternoon, the
pieces were connected to form a full autocross course that suddenly made a lot
more sense (“Hey, I can do that!”).
After everybody had several runs, some intrepid students also drove
around the skid pad, a doughnut drawn in lime on the parking lot at
Verona. It teaches the limits of
traction and how a car feels as it approaches that limit, or exceeds it and either
drifts outward or spins.
The autocross students
clearly had a good time and learned to drive the autocross course faster. In addition, the “fun” driving skills
they learned might suddenly become very practical in an emergency on the
street. This successful event, a
first for the Shenandoah Region, will probably be repeated in coming years.
Rhonda Dunbrack making a
U-turn in the keyhole.
Sascha Corpora braking at
the end of the straight.
Sherry Westfall attacking
the slalom.
Clint Shuler entering the
Chicago box.
Mary Taylor on the skid